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 Jack says "Denied!"

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Age : 40

Jack says "Denied!" Empty
PostSubject: Jack says "Denied!"   Jack says "Denied!" EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 2:52 pm

I decided I wanted 5 dot man as an Assamite for my billionth playthrough. I haven't previously tweeked my stats this badly before the tutorial so I wan't expecting Jack to say that I was off and that I should probably let the Sheriff lop my head off and start a new character. I was floored and it was kind of amazing. XD

I have no idea if this is something new since there was an answer where I could say that Zer0morph made the game too hard, but you could have just changed the dialogue option. Either way - if it was splicing together standard Jack dialogue to create a new scene or if you changed the dialogue for fun - good work Very Happy
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Jack says "Denied!" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack says "Denied!"   Jack says "Denied!" EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 3:32 pm

It's normal, Zer0 made it so you don't cheat BEFORE the tutorial Very Happy
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Jack says "Denied!" Empty
PostSubject: Re: Jack says "Denied!"   Jack says "Denied!" EmptySun Nov 27, 2011 5:05 pm


Basically what Claudia said. We couldn't fix the creation glitch where you can add extra dots so I decided to handle it this way. I went through the Jack dialogue sound files and "spliced" together some extra text, and threw in my name for good measure, LOL.

Glad you liked it! It's was funny as hell to make. I was laughing the whole time. Razz It's more of an easter egg than an anti-cheat solution but fun none the less. Cool
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Jack says "Denied!" Empty
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