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 Nosferatu Bugs!

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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 8:42 am

Unfortunately,I detected some bugs yesterday,with my Noss,because I had an all-nighter,and played quite a while!
So,let's begin:
1)Since I unlocked Hollywood,i can't study from the e-mail college anymore!It pops up just "info"!Not even one of the skills i want to increase!
2)Well,this is more of a technical issue than a bug but i hope you can help me with it:
The last 6 months now,whenever i played Vampire,but only Vampire,it doesnt happen in another game,my character,when i run him straight for quite a while,he just keep running!!I try to stop him by croutching,jumping e.t.c,but for a couple more seconds,sometimes even more,he just keeps running!
And that's DAMN annoying,because it's a real bummer to try to walk through a wall while a Tzimische fleshcrafting ball-with-hands creature is attacking you!Oh,i should mention that even if i try attacking while he stucks running,my pc makes a beeping noise!The kind of noise that,if you press too much buttons in the same time,does!But i just click my mouse! Sad !Any help guys??!I already tried formating my pc,but it keeps making that noise!
3)Heather,when you are in the Noss heaven,is just stuck at the right corner of the room when you enter your heaven,and she just doesnt move from there!That's a bit unrealistic and i feel like i keep her imprisoned,or something! pale

Well,that's all for now!I will update the list if i find or remember more!
Thanks for your patience!Peace!
Im gonna play now!CHINATOWN,HERE I COME!!! cheers
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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 8:56 am

Oh,forgot to mention 2 more!
1)I just killed a mugger in Chinatown and i lost humanity!And i was like "What the ****"?That guy just attacked me and i lost humanity by killing him?"
2)That's more of a tweak for the CE1.4 i want to suggest!
As you know,im playing a Noss now,and whenever i leave my safe sewers and go to the surface...i just cant feel any difference!I mean,if someone looks at me,which happens a lot with my technical issue (check above)he just runs away from me!No Masquerade breakings,no Police hunting,no nothing!
Also,i just walk along in the middle of the road,and im ok as long as i am on the surface!I don't feel any stress whatsoever when im on the surface,because i just run on the road,and if anyone sees me,he just runs away!Big deal!Can you tweak it to be exactly as supposed to be?

Anyway,more coming up!
Thanks again for reading! rabbit
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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 12:09 pm

More bugs!Gonna make this quick,'cuz im finishing the game! cheers
1)When you go to your haven via the taxi towards the end of the game,get everything you need,and then leave,the game crashed!
2)Mandarin got stuck in a ghost like form!I could go through him (lol)and he was running even though he diddnt move!Luckily,i was able to kill him!
3)In the quest log,(after i entered chinatown),the quest about the e-mail college changed twice to:
a)Find Mike Durbin in the apts above the pawnshop (your first haven) and
b)I'm not sure i remember that well,but "Find Barabus for Gary"
4)Can't raise a skill via the e-mail college,to it's fullest!I wanted to get the last dot on my melee skill,but couldnt!

And the problem with the "info"still remains,although,not always!I know by the way,that you have to leave your haven and go to another place,and then come back in order to function,but the problem remains nonetheless!

Ok,that's all for now!
Twisted Evil
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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 1:39 pm

WOW! Thats alot of issues, half of them seem to be with the email college. I'll let Malkav figure that one out. Razz
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Childe of Munster
Childe of Munster

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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 2:15 pm

InvI wrote:
1)Since I unlocked Hollywood,i can't study from the e-mail college anymore!It pops up just "info"!Not even one of the skills i want to increase!
I had that happen until I exited the sewers in L.A. via an exit that leads to a building, not just out to the street. I think the game still thinks you haven't left your haven until you do that. I just went into the basement of the LaCroix building, then back into the sewers. I think that issue will be fixed because in 1.4 Malkav is going to make it so you just have to leave your computer and not your haven.

Quote :
2)Well,this is more of a technical issue than a bug but i hope you can help me with it:
The last 6 months now,whenever i played Vampire,but only Vampire,it doesnt happen in another game,my character,when i run him straight for quite a while,he just keep running!!I try to stop him by croutching,jumping e.t.c,but for a couple more seconds,sometimes even more,he just keeps running!
And that's DAMN annoying,because it's a real bummer to try to walk through a wall while a Tzimische fleshcrafting ball-with-hands creature is attacking you!Oh,i should mention that even if i try attacking while he stucks running,my pc makes a beeping noise!The kind of noise that,if you press too much buttons in the same time,does!But i just click my mouse! Sad !Any help guys??!I already tried formating my pc,but it keeps making that noise!
Does the key bound to "Auto-run" get stuck on your keyboard? Or is the key getting pressed and held down for some other reason?

Quote :
3)Heather,when you are in the Noss heaven,is just stuck at the right corner of the room when you enter your heaven,and she just doesnt move from there!That's a bit unrealistic and i feel like i keep her imprisoned,or something! pale
I've never had Heather in the sewer haven, so I've never seen that one.

Quote :
4)I just killed a mugger in Chinatown and i lost humanity!And i was like "What the ****"?That guy just attacked me and i lost humanity by killing him?"
That's normal, I believe. If you kill him when you've convinced him not to attack you, he's an "innocent."

Quote :
5)As you know,im playing a Noss now,and whenever i leave my safe sewers and go to the surface...i just cant feel any difference!I mean,if someone looks at me,which happens a lot with my technical issue (check above)he just runs away from me!No Masquerade breakings,no Police hunting,no nothing! Also,i just walk along in the middle of the road,and im ok as long as i am on the surface!I don't feel any stress whatsoever when im on the surface,because i just run on the road,and if anyone sees me,he just runs away!Big deal!Can you tweak it to be exactly as supposed to be?
I find I have to trigger a more definitive reaction. I've had Masquerade violations happen, but yes, they do seem to be quite rare. And yep, staying in the middle of the road is extremely safe in Santa Monica and downtown. It's a little trickier in Hollywood and Chinatown, which are more crowded. I thought Malkav wrote somewhere that the streets are going to be more crowded in 1.4 (or was that Zer0Morph regarding TFN 1.0?).

Quote :
6)When you go to your haven via the taxi towards the end of the game,get everything you need,and then leave,the game crashed!
That's a new one. But I've never taken a Nosferatu that far.

Quote :
7)Mandarin got stuck in a ghost like form!I could go through him (lol)and he was running even though he diddnt move!Luckily,i was able to kill him!
Yes, that happened to me. I had to re-load from a previous save point. I wonder how many of these bugs are related to being a Nosferatu?

Quote :
8)In the quest log,(after i entered chinatown),the quest about the e-mail college changed twice to:
a)Find Mike Durbin in the apts above the pawnshop (your first haven) and
b)I'm not sure i remember that well,but "Find Barabus for Gary"
That also happened to me the last time I completed the game (as a Gangrel).

Quote :
9)Can't raise a skill via the e-mail college,to it's fullest!I wanted to get the last dot on my melee skill,but couldnt!
Are you sure you had enough money and Blood?

Last edited by Childe of Munster on Sun Aug 08, 2010 3:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)
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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 2:55 pm

To Zer0: Yeah man!You do that! Smile

To Munster:
a)For the E-mail college issue:Yeah,i had like 3000$ and full blood,but still diddnt raise the skill
b)For the walking issue:No,my keyboard's just fine!And,to tell you the truth,it hasn't given me any problems!And,no i don't have auto run on...bummer...
c)For the "Leave your haven and come back" (e-mail college again) issue:If he did that,that would be great!Leaving your computer and login in again to raise a skill i mean!Great! Laughing

Oh,and one more bug:

I had given my Animalism the 4th level (Pestilence) and it diddnt show up in my disciplines menu...
Just:"2 point from animals" discipline,"Crow-bait" discipline and the "soothing song"!No pestilence to be found! Sad
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Childe of Malkav
Beyond Caine
Beyond Caine
Childe of Malkav

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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptySun Aug 08, 2010 5:51 pm

Quite a list there, so let's see what we can do.

First about the college: It's right, you have to leave the sewers into a building like the Tower or the theater to reset.
The questlog issue is a problem I only got aware of sometime after the release. I had the college ready and thoroughly tested before, but then decided to add more courses. And I didn't know that you can't have more than 19 or 20 states per quest.
But if you had two different log entries for other quests, the college quest has ended. Either because you used up all courses, or because the bloodhunt started.
Not being able to rise the ability to the end probably occured towards the end, when you already had the wrong entries. So I suppose you just didn't have enough choices available.

Heather standing around and the people downtown only reacting to your immediate approach are related. The problem is an "outdated nodegrap" file that didn't compute. Only chance is going to the \vampire\maps\graphs subdirectory. delete the LA_HUB_1.loc and.ain files, and starting with a character who never was on this map. You probably saw this only late, because as a Nos you spend most of your time on the hubs in the sewers.

About that keyboard, I read something like that a few times lately; here and on PV. No idea. perhaps new hardware doesn't like old software Sad

Animalism not turning up is a known issue. If you change the cost of a discipline, as was done for CE, the high levels can only be called by hotkey, not by mousewheel.

The mugger is from the UPs. I'm not sure about that guy.

Mandarin got stuck sounds like a random glitch due to the alpha version of the HL2 engine.

It was such a long list. Im not sure if I have addressed all topics, but I hope I could help at least a bit.
- geek
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Childe of Munster
Childe of Munster

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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptyMon Aug 09, 2010 2:34 pm

Childe of Malkav wrote:

The mugger is from the UPs. I'm not sure about that guy.
I'm pretty sure that's the way it's supposed to work. If you provoke him into attacking you and you kill him, no Humanity loss. If you convince him not to attack you, whether via Persuade, Seduction Dominate or Dementation (I have no idea if you can Intimidate him into not attacking you) and then you kill him, you lose Humanity. It makes perfect sense to me.
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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 2:02 pm

Childe of Munster wrote:
It's a little trickier in Hollywood and Chinatown, which are more crowded. I thought Malkav wrote somewhere that the streets are going to be more crowded in 1.4 (or was that Zer0Morph regarding TFN 1.0?).

That was me actually, I plan on increasing the number of animated, walking pedestrians in all of the hubs so that the streets are more crowded and it's much tougher to get someone alone. Plus I have plans of creating a Citizen Seduction System but more on this later. Wink
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Childe of Munster
Childe of Munster

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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 2:09 pm

Zer0Morph wrote:
Plus I have plans of creating a Citizen Seduction System but more on this later. Wink
CSS. Do we get t-shirts?
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Childe of Malkav
Beyond Caine
Beyond Caine
Childe of Malkav

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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 2:59 pm

Childe of Munster wrote:
Zer0Morph wrote:
Plus I have plans of creating a Citizen Seduction System but more on this later. Wink
CSS. Do we get t-shirts?
No, you get body condoms like the CDC guys downtown lol!

- geek
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Childe of Munster
Childe of Munster

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Nosferatu Bugs! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Nosferatu Bugs!   Nosferatu Bugs! EmptyThu Aug 12, 2010 3:43 pm

Childe of Malkav wrote:
No, you get body condoms like the CDC guys downtown lol!

- geek
I'm going to go to a t-shirt shop and have a CSS t-shirt made just to prove you wrong. They'll become the official t-shirt of The Final Nights. albino
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