This might be going out on a limb here, but isn't that...odd? The idea of having stats effect more isn't a problem, but when something is referenced by an email already, and is sitting in plain sight on a desk...this will likely cause some serious confusion. If it was more hidden, like in Malcolm's desk or in his file cabinet I could see it, as this would require more effort to find, thus the inspection check. Though it would be odd to make both of those containers, since neither of them likely have animations.
Even if a medical safe was added to his office, this having a similar check would have the same problem as the morphine sitting on the desk, since it would not be that unusual to think there would be some kind of medicine in the safe. Well, unless the safe is placed so you couldn't see the "Medical" text on it, and with the inspection, you'd care enough to either check, or slide the thing a bit to see. Though probably in either case, you'd just be able to open the container with the required inspection, rather than having to have black screen and actually move the safe. Though the email would need to be changed as well, perhaps to say that the Morphine might be in Malcolms office, but they do not know where.