I would kill for the original clans with the rest of your systems...
I find the base game/CE to be a touch on the easy side (Troika never had time to properly balance anything), and I DIG the difficulty on TFN (as well as all the extra stuff like the overhaul to inspection, harder sneaking, and the hunters). But... the clans just don't do it for me. I miss the original 7 clans when playing your mod (especially gangrel/nosforatu). So... down the line I really think a "original clan" version of this mod would be great.
*** edit ***
One more thing; I don't get the humanity loss system you implemented. I understand you had to essentially treat humanity as both willpower and humanity from PnP, but the loss from just being around innocent death at low humanity is completely counter to PnP and very problematic for evil/low humanity characters. I find your frenzy and bloodloss timer already provided a hefty penalty for low humanity playthroughs. I would suggest setting 1-2 as the lowest your humanity can mechanically fall in the game. It just makes no sense to have the Baali as a playable clan with your humanity change!