I'm not going to be riding the Unofficial Patch wagon anymore. Wesp has done a wonderful job with those patches but anymore they are turning into more of a mod than a patch. UP 6.5 was the last patch I plan on fully integrating into the CE series however as Wesp continues finding bugs we will review those findings and if we see something that needs to be patched for CE that was broken before, we will definately include that in any future releases of CE.
Alot of the content of Wesp's latest patches have been more preference than a fix and each time he "changes" something we would have to also make the changes and do extensive testing to make sure it doesn't break something on CE. Needless to say trying to "Keep Up" with his personal preference changes is not only extremely time consuming, but sometimes breaks away from the spirit or direction we are trying to keep with the CE series. I hope that makes sense...
As far as CQM is concerned, once again Burgermeister (a good friend of mine btw) did a fantastic job on CQM 1.2.1. His merger with 1.2.1 and CE 1.2 went surprisingly smooth so I tip my hat off to him. Unfortunately once again trying to merge CQM with CE 1.2 would prove to be another huge undertaking that I'm just not prepared to do. When/If Burgermeister releases CQM 1.3 he will already had merged it with CE 1.2, and if he hasn't then I will consider doing it myself. However I'm not really interested in bringing "Clan Specific" quests into CE, I would prefer any new quests to be available to all clans so everyone can enjoy them regardless of clan. Burgermeister understands this and I believe he is moving into that direction for CQM 1.3.
It will be exciting to see....