Hey sorry but I was hoping to get some help with this. I'm playing Camarilla Edition final version but I'm having trouble getting this to work.
I backed up my vamputil.py file and then edited the timer from BLOOD_MAX_COUNT = 7+pc.stamina to 11, so it looks like this:
#### CE Bloodtimer added by Zer0morph, edited by Malkav ####
def OnBLEvent():
pc = __main__.FindPlayer()
G = __main__.G
BLOOD_MAX_COUNT = 11+pc.stamina
G.BloodCounter += 1
print "BloodCounter increased" #can be removed, except for testing
while((G.BloodCounter >= BLOOD_MAX_COUNT) and (pc.bloodpool > 1)):
print "Bloodloss 1 Blood point" #can be removed, except for testing
G.BloodCounter = G.BloodCounter - BLOOD_MAX_COUNT
if(G.BloodCounter >= 2* BLOOD_MAX_COUNT):
try: __main__.ccmd.frenzyplayer()
except: pass
print "hunger induced autofrenzy"
But instead of slowing down the timer it disables it completely. I left it running for 20 minutes just to be safe and nothing. It also disabled the blood loss from overfeeding.
Afterwards I deleted the file and replaced it with the original vamputil.py, but the blood loss was still disabled. In the end I did a complete re-install and carried over my saves, but the blood loss features were still disabled when I carried over the saves.
Sorry if this is obvious but did I mess up somewhere?
EDIT: Alright so I spent a couple hours and tested it out. Changing the blood loss timer through this method does work, but it won't affect your current saves, so you have to start a new game to utilize the changes. What's more, It will completely disable the blood loss mechanics of your current saves and even if you back up the original vamputil.py file or do a complete re-installation and then carry over your saves, the blood loss mechanics will still be broken in those old saves with no apparent way to re-enable it.
While attempting to get the blood loss mechanic up and running in my old saves I tested this out numerous times with two different clean installs of VTMB that only had CE final version on them and the results came back the same each time. So just to warn people for future reference don't do this half way through a game or you'll have to roll a new character like I did.
-Edit the blood loss mechanics before you start a new game. Otherwise it will disable the blood loss mechanic in your saves with no apparent way to re-enable it, even if you carry over your saves to a fresh install.
P.S. This was done on Windows 10 which has notoriously bad compatibility with this game. With that said, despite running on Windows 10 I didn't have any of the normal issues most have when running this game(can't run it at all, glitches, CTD's, etc.), and in the 10 or so hours I played the game ran perfectly.
I just thought I'd share this here since it wasn't mentioned in the instructions(
How to change or turn off the Blood Timer) that this may potentially break the blood loss mechanic in your saves.