Welcome to the forum and I hope you stick around for awhile! We have a fantastic little community of blood suckers here and we’re always looking to expand our home. It’s great to hear that you’ve enjoyed our work so much, it’s fans like you who play and report back on your thoughts, that keep us working so hard.
I’ll try to answer your question as plainly and simply as possible, even if it’s not. When I was deciding on what clans I wanted to create, I had to consider many things.
1. Do we have appropriate skins for the clan?
Because the NPCs don’t have animations in the character sheet window, I was limited to using the vanilla skins. Obviously using the Nosferatu skin for a Giovanni would just look wrong, no matter how you try to justify it. So the model/skins really limited me.
2. What disciplines do we choose?
Because we could only have 5 targetable disciplines, the rest being passive disciplines, this also severely dictated what I could and couldn’t create. I had to put all of the disciplines in a pool and decide which ones I could and couldn’t use that would line up well with the given model/skins I had access too.
Well the result of all of this decision making was what you see in TFN. In order for me to create a professional and realistic Giovanni, Ravnos, Lasombra, or Tzimisce experience, I would have to scrap the current clans and start over once again only offering those clans. And honestly, the time and work that would go into created something like that would take me another year of fulltime work. When I created TFN, I was unemployed for the first 4 months of it so I could work on it day and night. Otherwise it would’ve taken me much longer than a year to complete.
So in other words, the likelihood that I stop production of TFN to create a TFN part II with these new clans is about a million to one. I apologize for the bad news. I can offer more additional features in TFN 1.1 however which will be released a week from today!