aneumann01 1 thank you for coming in my aid and then attempt to negotiate a peace treaty between me and claudia
for example, i trust the editorial acumen of some editors of some magazines i subscribe/buy from newsstands,
and i am aware of the term slush pile, and like panning for gold nuggets amidst it.
but as for novel length i reiterate my earlier point, which i see subscribed, they "buy" what they think it will sell, and that all too often is dumb...
i will also agree that too often it is stuff too bad to be published otherwise, while sometimes it is too good...
or a new way to think about publishing...
the answer to napster
so, they want to publish something for free?
so WE publish something for free....
we find that editors / publishers are biased
we publish on our notion of our own merit...
(my story is the last thing you find in the fanfiction, it was the first thing published there, actually that section was created for that...
but i would advise you to follow the link...)
i diggressed....
dragatus and feral....
totally sidetracked: i wouldn't touch napster, would make a point to go top itunes....
gawds there are ways to access works published on the net for small fees...
i'll quote source
james patrick kelley on the net asimov's science fiction elaborated on net publishing...
creators are entitled to earn something for the work they created...
i already made a case for the need of quality control....
i would be the first to call myself autistic
but i make no claim of being better than
i just make a claim of being
and i make no claim of being extraordianry, or special, or...
any other things than just this:
i am who i am that i am.
and you are being...
you actually don't believe that the link i posted was to a story i wrote under a different alias?
that one in particular has been favorite-ed and reviewed...
i would call you....
i don't know....
in that denial....
people in this thread are.... splitting hairs, or not doing it enough, or saying the same thing in ways so different that they sound different things, or saying different things in ways that make them sound similar....
let me try to categorize....
ANYONE who has ever published ANYTHING in the internet in ANY format is a published author.
no matter how horrible the quality, or even the fact that no one ever read it (difficult in internet, there are people who will look for everything, leaving no stone left unturned) and even more, that it eventually was deleted.
you seem to be confusing authors with categories of authors
good authors vs bad authors
professional authors vs amateur auteurs
acclaimed authors vs neglected authors vs vilified authors
authors that do it for love vs authors that need compensation
this one is difficult
only work that people are willing to pay for should be considered work?
what about authors needing to be monetarily compensated for their work?
creativity, man-hours, the need to make a living out of their work....
side tracked again...
(and what about idiot savant?)
oh, and...
getting stuck in a word and babble?
you as an author...
believe it or not
scientific background
awareness of
and its definition.
i don't just settle for consensual definitions,
i try to present my own definitions to.... any and all concepts...
(and i make no claim that mine are better)
they are mine...
i don't doubt, like you do, that you are a professional storyteller, though i don't bother to search for evidence, while you dismiss out of hand my authorship of that story....
i even am willing to grant you are damn good at it.
it's just that....
you... seem to feel you are GOD in the stories you tell, pointing players along paths you want them to thread (and even God gave man free will...)
while to me an author
(and some talented people agree)
i see myself as a vehicle for the stories to write themselves.
god forbid i should be comparing myself
and i would the first to admit....
you know what?
to each his own (taste)
some people might find my fiction execrable
and if they explained to me why...
(you never even bothered to admit i could have authored the story i posted the link to...
autistic, to me...
neither to read my story here...
not even to see i have a story published here under this monicker, velvet...)
if i deffended my work
is like a parent deffending their children....
gods no parent enjoys hearing their children bad mouthed...
i digress...
aneumann01 2
i enjoy your impartiality...
i guess claudia did make a good case
and she sure claimed.... moral? professional? high ground from which to...
self important self righteous self.....
and did she really enunciate the toes where i step that make her cry out in anger?
i agree with everything you said afterwards re internet publishing....
though there is a teenage girl in me, fed on too many disney fairy tales, that is seriously tickled in a very good way by twilight saga...
or.... shame on me... did i buy / fell for the hype???
discerning me????
unlike claudia
you are willing to admit i did the same thing you did
wrote some short stories and some poems
self published them in respectable outlets for such ends
and gained a measure of acclaim for that
check out
fanfiction - ineendubh
fictionpress - rearden
i guess i adressed your point...
publishing online indeed all too often piracy, a way to circunvent having to pay for reading / listening / watchiong something
and then
you are only an online author if you somehow get paid for your work?
what's the inconsistency in that reasoning???
oh and thank you for your pledged alliance.....
claudia is indeed someone who feels so self important for all her accomplishments she thinks she is entitled to lay the law and the standard...
indeed there is a side of me that can't help poke at that...
dragatus named her usurper!!!
you bet i am in a quest to depose the usurper
claudia again
i was too dumb to take the hint to understand that zer0 was in a relationship
you also missed the point
there was no hint of eroticism (him wearing my skin notwithstanding)
and not even any hint of romance
your filthy mind oops your....
saw them there.
(i never even used the word love.... did i???)
i can love....
(a catchphrase of mine: snow is so important to eskimos they have dozens of words for snow, each for a different kind of snow, there should be as many words for love...)
beloved friends, i have in facebook....
and not the first time a girlfriend felt jealousy for my friendship with her boyfriend....
you obviously missed when i said platonic....
and the allusion for bear being mother, way over your head...
feral 2
we are back to where we began
or on a tangent altogether....
or mired in quicksand....
see, claudia?
it is not only me "babbling" on the word author....
apparently, what it means to be author when it comes to self published on the internet....
(lol put 9 jews arguing about the bible and you get 10 opinions, or something like it...)
i will make clear this:
everyone is unique
identity, personality, character, life history... some other less important things, like, position or recognition....
and that is their unique vantage point from which they look at the world
every one has their unique Point Of View
and ev erybody inhabits their own reality
everyone has its own unique definition for each concept
claudia, i am horribly offended that i was trying to say i was better than you, or that my view was better than yours
to me that unique individuality is sacrosant
i wouldn't...
anathema, to say that mine is better
anathema, that everybody should follow mine...
i am DEFFENDING mine with teeth and claws because it is mine
god forbid i should be taken to be trying to impose mine on others, commit such aggression...
and to argue this case to at least reach a consensual?
then i will abandon this discussion!!!
yup some of your.... utterances...
aneumann callled them insults....
but in the end
i would respectably agree to disagree with you...
to me the only acceptable result to an argument is to agree to disagree
to me
arguing is more like a game of i show you mine you show me yours....
(without the pejorative tone... or the competitive one...)
i present to you my view
you present to me yours
we both win
get to know each other better
see the world from another's point of view.
if it feels like i am at war with you
i will not have anyone impose theirs on me (or anyone else)
thanks for alliance on that count....
the others, see??
jad apparently can conceive of authors and not gain from it!!!
and in a way it is a most commendable atitude!!!!
to give one's story for free.....
to release their children into the world,
to spread Stories far and wide...
to give of their creativity and work without expecting compensation.....
but i also argued above....
they should indeed be entitlteld to compensation....
gawds i hate money
but you do need it to get things that you need...
just to know the Stories are out there!!!!
or to gain recognition....